In the past, the field of medicine lacked a profound understanding of the reasons for variations in treatment outcomes among patients with the same cancer, with tumor heterogeneity proving to be a key factor. Heterogeneity within tumors, encompassing genomic variations, structural changes, and chromatin modifications, complicates cancer therapy. Changes in treatment targets are closely associated with increased heterogeneity and alterations in gene expression, directly impacting cancer treatment.
To overcome the challenges in treatment, we advocate for an analysis from a spatial omics perspective to explore new possibilities in cancer therapy. Spatial omics is currently a prominent field addressing past difficulties such as the inability to detect old samples, as well as insufficient resolution, by developing revolutionary spatial omics technology platforms. These platforms integrate techniques such as single-cell imaging, fluid dynamics, chemistry, and bioinformatics, breaking the limitations of only being able to ascertain limited protein expression through staining. The interactions between cells within tissues can now be directly understood. Targeting various diseases is no longer vague or reliant solely on limited information to infer possible treatment strategies. Spatial omics aids in understanding the precise location of cells and their interactions in disease progression and drug response, driving insight-driven innovative research in translational medicine!
在尖端生醫計算及影像研究中心(CACIB),計算、影像與多體學是三大主題。這些領域的發展有助於實現精準健康和醫療。結合多體學、計算科學與多模態影像技術,有望更深入了解致病機轉,解決難以應對的疾病,促進新藥開發的進展,為實現個人化醫療帶來曙光。 |
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At the Center of Advanced Computing and Imaging in Biomedicine (CACIB), computation, imaging, and multi-omics are the three main themes. The development in these areas contributes to achieving precision health and medicine. By combining multi-omics, computational science, and multimodal imaging techniques, we hope to gain a deeper understanding of pathogenesis, address challenging diseases, promote advancements in drug development, and shed light on personalized medicine. |
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會議議程的安排以「空間體學技術的創新」為開場,並邀請技術開發的專家學者們,圍繞著「我們是如何走到現在的?」的主題展開討論。 第二天(5/24)則有4大主題的討論:首先聚焦在「空間體學技術在腫瘤異質性中的應用」,並深入研究相關領域的最新發展。接下來在討論「空間體學的突破」時,將聚焦於該領域的技術創新和應用前景,以及相關研究的未來方向。下午的會議將引導參與者「運用空間體學的思維在研究設計中的應用」,促使與會者更深入地思考和應用這一技術。 當天最後的議題將聚焦於如何「利用空間體學技術改變病理學」。這項討論將關注技術在病理學研究和診斷中的創新應用,以及這些應用如何推動醫學領域的進步。 最後一天(5/25)的討論將集中在「多體學的未來」。並邀請技術專家、藥廠研發人員以及腫瘤科醫師參與。各自從技術開發者、藥廠生物標誌的開發、以及臨床學家的角度,他們將分享對空間體學技術的看法,促使多方面的討論,從而更全面地理解和應用這一前沿技術。